Original Research

The Qur’anic mantras recited by Shamanic Santri in Java, Indonesia

Hasyim Muhammad, Ilyas Supena, Akhmad A. Junaidi, Muhammad Faiq
HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies | Vol 77, No 4 | a7059 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/hts.v77i4.7059 | © 2021 Hasyim Muhammad, Ilyas Supena, Akhmad A. Junaidi, Muhammad Faiq | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 09 August 2021 | Published: 17 December 2021

About the author(s)

Hasyim Muhammad, Department of Qur’anic Science and Tafsir, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Humanities, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo, Semarang, Indonesia
Ilyas Supena, Department of Communication and Islamic Broadcasting, Faculty of Da’wah and Communication, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo, Semarang, Indonesia
Akhmad A. Junaidi, Department of Islamic Astronomy, Faculty of Shari’ah and Law, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo, Semarang, Indonesia
Muhammad Faiq, Department of Aqidah and Islamic Philosophy, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Humanities, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo, Semarang, Indonesia


To overcome various problems, the practice of shamanism has gained popularity in Javanese society. The belief of the society in this practice is increasing, mainly because of the involvement of the kyai (an honorific title of the Muslim clergy), who serves as a shaman. The kyai, in this regard, uses Qur’anic verses in his mantra. This study aims to reveal how the use of the Qur’anic verses is interpreted and legitimised in the practice of shamanism amongst the Javanese community. This article concluded that what people understand about the heresy practice of shamanism as it is considered contrary to religious law or shirk (idolatry) is not proven. The practice of shamanism carried out by santri or kyai has normative arguments and theological legitimacy from the Qur’an and books of salaf scholars.

Contribution: It is prevailing that the practice of shamanism is often considered heresy and un-Islamic. This article however, will give a new insight that the practice of shamanism is not always against Islamic teaching as conducted by kyai because he always refers to the Qur’an as a mantra.


mantra; Qur’an; shamanism; santri; Java; Islam; Kyai


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Crossref Citations

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