Original Research - Special Collection: Africa Platform for NT Scholars
Intercultural criticism of spiritual warfare (Ephesians 6:10–20)
Submitted: 10 June 2021 | Published: 22 February 2022
About the author(s)
Victor L. Budha, Department of New Testament and Related Literature, Faculty of Theology and Religion, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South AfricaAbstract
The text of Ephesians 6:10–20 reframes the sectors of what we know as ‘spiritual warfare’ to tackle demons that menace and disturb people’s daily life. Reading this text from an African perspective helps to understand the text as well as believers in Africa to efficiently use the proposed weapons.
Contribution: An approach such as an intercultural criticism with the aid of a four-legged stool model in this research proved to be appropriate.
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Crossref Citations
1. Theological Perspectives on Responses to Prayer Requests in WhatsApp Groups
Sostenis Nggebu, Yopie F.M. Buyung, Alan Wood
Evangelikal: Jurnal Teologi Injili dan Pembinaan Warga Jemaat vol: 7 issue: 2 first page: 164 year: 2023
doi: 10.46445/ejti.v7i2.663