Original Research
Teaching intercultural competence: Dialogue, cognition and position in Luke 10:25–37
Submitted: 15 April 2021 | Published: 17 August 2021
About the author(s)
Erastus Sabdono, Department of Theology, Faculty of Theology, Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Ekumene, Jakarta, IndonesiaErni M.C. Efruan, Department of Theology, Faculty of Theology, Institut Injil Indonesia, Batu, Indonesia
Morris P. Takaliuang, Department of Theology, Faculty of Theology, Institut Injil Indonesia, Batu, Indonesia
Leryani M.M. Manuain, Department of Christian Religious Sociology, Faculty of Christian Religious Social Sciences, Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Kupang, Kupang, Indonesia
Zummy A. Dami, Department of Guidance and Counseling, Faculty of Education, Universitas Persatuan Guru 1945 NTT, Kupang, Indonesia
This research aimed to know the intercultural competency teaching model of Jesus (Teacher) using a parable technique based on Luke 10:25–37 to improve intercultural competence. The authors used a method of diacognitive analysis with three lenses that include dialogue, cognition and position. The results of the study have shown that the application of the parable technique can improve the competence of intercultural students (the expert in the law) towards people with different cultures (Samaritan), as well as increase the understanding and awareness that love is the basis of intercultural competence, compassion as an internal outcome and must act as an intercultural agent. The teacher’s pyramid model of intercultural competence moves from love, attitude, knowledge, skill, internal outcome, external outcome and becomes an intercultural agent.
Contribution: Research on Luke 10:25–37 has shown that the parable technique can improve students’ intercultural competence based on love and compassion. Teachers can apply parable techniques to attract, encourage, and stimulate the student’s active involvement to think critically and perform interpretations to discover the real truth in the context of cultural differences.
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Crossref Citations
1. From Persuasion to Acceptance of Closeness: La Projimidad as an Essential Attribute of God in Luke 10:25–37
Diego Fernando Bedoya Bonilla, Carlos Arboleda Mora
Open Theology vol: 8 issue: 1 first page: 95 year: 2022
doi: 10.1515/opth-2022-0195