Original Research

Die vertaling van [vreemde taal weggelaat]-uitdrukkings in die Nuwe Testament

D.F. Tolmie
HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies | Vol 58, No 3 | a578 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/hts.v58i3.578 | © 2002 D.F. Tolmie | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 21 October 2002 | Published: 22 October 2002

About the author(s)

D.F. Tolmie, University of the Free State, South Africa

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The translation of [foreign font omitted]-phrases in the New Testament

In most cases translators translate the [foreign font omitted] phrases in the New Testament literally. In this article such an approach is questioned, in particular when a translator wishes to translate in such a way that the meaning of the original text is transmitted accurately to the reader. In order to help translators to translate the [foreign font omitted] phrases in the New Testament in a meaningful way, the possible meaning these phrases may have is categorised as follows: [foreign font omitted] phrases in which [foreign font omitted] functions as the (direct) object of an event; [foreign font omitted] phrases in which a movement towards [foreign font omitted] can be detected; [foreign font omitted] phrases that are used instrumentally; [foreign font omitted] phrases indicating state/status; phrases that are used to indicate cause. In each case several examples are discussed.


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