Original Research - Special Collection: Mag in die Nuwe Testament

Die etiek van sending as anti-Kyriargale bemagtiging en liefdesdiens: ‘n Fokus op 1 Tessalonisense en mag of bemagtiging

Jacobus Kok
HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies | Vol 68, No 1 | a1170 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/hts.v68i1.1170 | © 2012 Jacobus Kok | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 01 September 2011 | Published: 23 April 2012

About the author(s)

Jacobus Kok, Department of New Testament, University of Pretoria, South Africa


The Christian concept ‘mission’ is experienced by some as a negative term in the post- modern age of relativism and sensitivity with regard to the perspective and the rights of others. In this article it is postulated that the term ‘mission’ is only negative when mission is understood as an aggressive propagandistic persuasion of others from a position of power (moral high ground). This definition however, is a result of a male-dominated, Kyriarchal (male dominated) perspective, and by implication is ethnocentric and reductionistic in nature. Feminist and postcolonial perspectives open the way for an alternative definition of ‘mission’, which can open up fresh perspectives about mission and ethics in the early Church and these could be considered and in turn could have far-reaching implications for the manner in which the Christian mission is understood in a post-modern context. In this article it is investigated in which way the early Christian ethics of mission created the space within which traditional imperial dominance, gender, race and ethnicity was transformed with an alternative symbolic universe resulting from a reconceptualisation of power or empowerment and loving service from a Christological perspective.


Tessalonisense, mag, sending


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