Original Research - Special Collection: MRCC Centenary Celebration

Using the report on the training of elders and deacons of Maranatha Reformed Church of Christ to illustrate the attributes of informal education

Alfred M. Rivombo
HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies | Vol 80, No 2 | a8961 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/hts.v80i2.8961 | © 2024 Alfred M. Rivombo | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 09 May 2023 | Published: 15 January 2024

About the author(s)

Alfred M. Rivombo, Department of Adult Community and Continuing Education, College of Education, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa


The ineffectiveness of some elders and deacons of Maranatha Reformed Church of Christ to implement their functions and duties contributed to the deterioration of the spiritual and material sustainability of the church. To counteract this corrosion, the church established a training team that instituted an informal programme as a means of revitalising elders and deacons. After running a pilot project to test the training programme, the team presented its report to the General Church Assembly. A selective interpretation of informal education can contribute to a misguided and limited perception of informal knowledge and acquisition as uncivilised and unsustainable. In this article, the researcher seeks to articulate the formal and informal dynamics of informal education. He employed an exploratory concurrent design of mixed methods research within an indigenous paradigm to analyse the report on training of elders and deacons. The researcher used a convenience sampling strategy to select the authors of the report, namely four trainers and four trainees, with whom he conducted a focus group discussion. Although strategically formulated, the learning activities and resources were continuously innovated in the informal programme for elders and deacons. The conclusion reached is that the learning process in informal education is flexible and mutually edifying for educators and trainees.

Contribution: Education for the proclamation of the gospel and church governance is not intended exclusively for ministers or theologians. Despite their diversity, elders and deacons need to be educated on the proclamation of the gospel according to the teachings of their church, using their respective contexts. Informal education, which comprises formal and informal dynamics, can contribute towards addressing the problem of untrained elders and deacons.


training of elders and deacons; informal education; formal and informal dynamics; training report; servant leadership

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Goal 3: Good health and well-being


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