Original Research
Investigating the roles of philosophy, culture, language and Islam in Angkola’s local wisdom of ‘Dalihan Na Tolu’
Submitted: 29 September 2022 | Published: 14 March 2023
About the author(s)
Sumper M. Harahap, Department of Constitutional Law, Faculty of Sharia and Legal Sciences, State Institute for Islamic Studies, Padangsidimpuan, IndonesiaHamka Hamka, Department of English Tadris, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, State Institute for Islamic Studies, Padangsidimpuan, Indonesia
This article aims at exploring the existing ideas of Angkola’s local wisdom with relevance to the roles of philosophy, culture, language, and Islam. This research employed the ethnographic method which utilised the data from figurative peoples in Angkola culture, Angkola’s cultural ceremonies, documents, and related media. The collected data were then reduced and analysed from philosophical, cultural, linguistic, and religious point of views to find the relevance. This research found that Dalihan Na Tolu covers triangle family members for Mora, Kahanggi, and Anak Boru. Dalihan Na Tolu consistently enhances humanity in harmony and it keeps warm in touch with the social profile. Angkola language has unique variations in the structure, coda sound, accent, and intonation to avoid saying subject as respect and the symbol of politeness. Dalihan Na Tolu creates and maintains norms in brotherhood and togetherness as an ingrained belief. The devotion poured in a sense of justice for triangle family members. The taste of brotherhood and togetherness is a fact that only humans have to think about expressing responsibility to unite humanity. The manifestation of Dalihan Na Tolu as a local, national, and perhaps international wisdom has faith, charity, and responsibility as the main point of view for humanity in harmony. The human faith in God has to be perfect with relevance for love, humanity and harmony. Charity humanises people. The responsibility unites humanity. Dalihan Na Tolu reflects many important values to learn from living in the society with particular philosophy, culture, langauge, and religion.
Contribution: This research describe about roles of philosophy, culture, language, and Islam in Angkola’s local wisdom of “dalihan natolu” in South Tapanuli, Indonesia. This research contributes to providing a comprehensive understanding of how the values in the local wisdom “dalihan natolu” can create social harmonisation.
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Crossref Citations
1. Integrating Cultural Values in Counseling: The Role of Peumulia Jamee in Indigenous Counseling Practices for Acehnese
Zahra Nelissa, Agus Taufik, Juntika Nurihsan, Anne Hafina Adiwinata, Mazita Ahmad
KONSELOR vol: 13 issue: 3 first page: 271 year: 2024
doi: 10.24036/0202413382-0-86