Original Research - Special Collection: Women Theologies
Exploring gender relations in Paul’s use of salutations to house churches and the ubuntu oral praxis of sereto or isiduko
Submitted: 29 March 2022 | Published: 18 October 2022
About the author(s)
Abraham M.M. Mzondi, Department of Practical Theology, South African Theological Seminary, Bryanston, South AfricaAbstract
Paul usually ends his letters with salutations to believers who meet in someone else’s house. Far from being individualistic, these greetings also include people from different house churches. Considered from a functional angle, these greetings cement relationships between house churches. Within an ubuntu worldview, the oral praxis of sereto (Sepedi) or isiduko (IsiXhosa) (praise-poetry) establishes and confirms relationships between members of the same community (family, clan or tribe). The question is how such praxes affect women who belong to such communities.
Contribution: This article is a comparative analysis of how some of the salutations used at the end of some of Paul’s epistles touch on gender relations in the same way as the ubuntu oral praxis of sereto or isiduko touches on gender relations among members of a community (family, clan or tribe).
Total abstract views: 1672Total article views: 1807
Crossref Citations
1. Looking Back: Theological Reflections on the Intersection between Pentecostalism and Ubuntu within the African Section of the Apostolic Faith Mission of South Africa
Abraham Modisa Mkhondo Mzondi
Religions vol: 14 issue: 10 first page: 1274 year: 2023
doi: 10.3390/rel14101274