Original Research
Interpersonal communication within the family for improving adolescent religiosity
Submitted: 23 July 2020 | Published: 30 April 2021
About the author(s)
Christiana W. Sahertian, Ministry of Higher Education Religions, Faculty Post-Graduate Program, Ambon State Christian Institute, Ambon, IndonesiaBetty A. Sahertian, Ministry of Health, Health Polytechnic, Maluku, Ambon, Indonesia, Indonesia
Alfred E. Wajabula, Graduate Program, Faculty of Theology, Indonesian Christian University, Maluku, Ambon, Indonesia
National education is a conscious and planned effort to help children develop their potential be spiritually strong, religious, intelligent, a strong personality and noble character and noble skills. For this reason, education not only focuses on the aspect of children’s knowledge but also on religion and morals aspects. This education begins in the family through communication patterns that are created between parents and children in the form of interpersonal communication that can increase the religiosity of adolescents. Therefore, this article aims to measure the interpersonal communication within the family. The author uses quantitative methods with technical correlation to determine the relationship between two variables, namely interpersonal communication in the family and youth religiosity, and includes 303 adolescents as a sample. The data were collected using a Likert scale and processed using Excel and SPSS 16 programs in order to obtain the results that the application of good interpersonal communication in families will increase adolescent religiosity. This leads to the conclusion ‘there is a mutually influential relationship between interpersonal communication in the family and adolescent religiosity’.
Contribution: This article contributes to Christian families in increasing interpersonal communication as a pattern of youth formation, because it can increase their religiosity.
Total abstract views: 3801Total article views: 3599
Crossref Citations
1. “Digital Resources Are Not Reliable”: Peer-Group-Based Intellectualism among Muslim Youth Activists in Bima, Eastern Indonesia
Abdul Wahid, Atun Wardatun
Religions vol: 14 issue: 8 first page: 1001 year: 2023
doi: 10.3390/rel14081001