Original Research
Postliberale teologie as teologiese raamwerk vir die kerk se korporatiewe identiteit
Submitted: 20 October 2002 | Published: 20 October 2002
About the author(s)
Johan Buitendag, University of Pretoria, South AfricaFull Text:
PDF (263KB)Abstract
This article seeks to show the importance of culture and symbols, as in the business sector in terms of corporate culture and image, so too mutatis mutandis in the church. The post liberal theology would be a basis of such an argument. A short exposition of the theology of George Lindbeck is given in order to indicate that his categories should be interpreted dynamically which means that the one-way direction of influence in the cultural-linguistic model gets dialectical, once this relation has been established. In a time of identity crises for established churches, corporate symbols are of utmost importance. Therefore, this process should be managed and exploited. Recognition of the particular has its place in the post liberal theology without abolishing ecumenism or, in the words of Lindbeck, “reconciliation without capitulation”.
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