Original Research

Pastors as gewonde genesers: Die emosionele uitwerking van kognitiewe dissonansie

S. Philip Nolte, Yolanda Dreyer
HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies | Vol 64, No 2 | a50 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/hts.v64i2.50 | © 2008 S. Philip Nolte, Yolanda Dreyer | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 14 January 2008 | Published: 14 January 2008

About the author(s)

S. Philip Nolte, Universiteit van Pretoria, South Africa
Yolanda Dreyer, Universiteit van Pretoria, South Africa

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Pastors as wounded healers: Emotional experience and cognitive dissonance

The relevance of reflecting on pastors’ identity and ministry is precipitated by the paradigm shift from modernity to postmodernity. Pastors often suffer from cognitive dissonance because of the paradigm shift. This dissonance comes to the fore in that pastors and the people they are supposed to serve, frequently find themselves in different, opposing worlds. In their attempt to adapt to this situation, pastors often experience emotional woundedness and do not always have the psychological disposition and skills to process their emotions in intelligent and creative ways. The paradigm shift in the Christian faith community can be described as a movement from a traditional to an emerging paradigm. This article aims to reflect on the meaning of this movement for pastors and their functioning in a new world.


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