Original Research

Kerkverband: ’n Poging tot reformasie in die negentiende eeu

Barry van Wyk
HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies | Vol 62, No 3 | a379 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/hts.v62i3.379 | © 2006 Barry van Wyk | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 17 September 2006 | Published: 28 September 2006

About the author(s)

Barry van Wyk, Universiteit van Pretoria, South Africa

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Church-denomination: A nineteenth century attempt to reformation

The view exists that the term denomination is especially evident of the nineteenth century Netherlands at the time when an attempt was made to accomplish change in the Nederlandse Hervormde Kerk. The decay in the Church at the time can mainly be ascribed to the influence of the authorities on the church, material welfare, as well as the climate of thought which originated in the Aufklärung. During this period two theologians were prominent, namely P J Hoedemaker and A Kuyper. The latter protested against the synodic structure of the existing Church and proposed an alternative locally free church in its place, consisting of chosen, reborn members of the church who become part of the church by confession. At the time denomination had a prominent function in the integration of all local churches into a single denomination with the confession being the common source of fellowship.


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