Original Research
Narratological perspectives on John 13:1-38
HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies | Vol 46, No 3 | a2325 |
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/hts.v46i3.2325
| © 1990 J. A. du Rand
| This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 09 January 1990 | Published: 09 January 1990
Submitted: 09 January 1990 | Published: 09 January 1990
About the author(s)
J. A. du Rand, Rand Afrikaans University, South AfricaFull Text:
PDF (441KB)Abstract
The text of John 13 as a literary phenomenon is taken as narrative communication. Emphasis is laid on the pragmatic dimension, in which the relation between the sign and the recipient is highlighted. This article describes John 13 as a structured narrative in which a specific ideological perspective is reflected. Retrospectively viewed, John 13 provides an interpretative framework for meaningful discipleship. The modem reader is challenged to seek for deeper significance in the narration of the footwashing.
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Crossref Citations
1. Jan A. du Rand, Nuwe-Testamentikus: ’n Lewenslange akademiese liefdesverhouding met die Johannese Nuwe-Testamentiese geskrifte
Fika Janse van Rensburg
In die Skriflig/In Luce Verbi vol: 49 issue: 2 year: 2015
doi: 10.4102/ids.v49i2.1981