Original Research
Die verhouding prediking-belydenis in 'n post-moderne konteks: 'n 'Huwelik' 'saamwoon' ?
HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies | Vol 53, No 4 | a1789 |
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/hts.v53i4.1789
| © 1997 T. F.J. Dreyer
| This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 14 December 1997 | Published: 14 December 1997
Submitted: 14 December 1997 | Published: 14 December 1997
About the author(s)
T. F.J. Dreyer, Departement Praktiese Teologie (Afd A) Universiteit van Pretoria, South AfricaFull Text:
PDF (1MB)Abstract
The relationship between preaching and confessions in a post-modem society: A 'marriage' or 'free love'?. This article attempts, within the tradition of the Reformation, to investigate the relationship between preaching and the confession of the church. Through the ages, this relationship altered from a spontaneous interaction to a formal, judicial contract. This role prescribed to the confession, of being a formal and dominating instrument with judicial authority, is no longer acceptable in a postmodem society. The study aims to establish the specific nature of the relationship and to seek means to organize it in a way that will accommodate the demands of our time, but in an orderly manner that will also benefit the proclamation of the gospel.
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