Original Research

Die relevansie van die historiese Jesus- ondersoek vir kerklike teologie1

Andries van Aarde
HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies | Vol 56, No 2/3 | a1754 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/hts.v56i2/3.1754 | © 2000 Andries van Aarde | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 14 December 2000 | Published: 14 December 2000

About the author(s)

Andries van Aarde, Nuwe-Testamentiese Wetenskap Fakulteit Teologie, Universiteit van Pretoria, South Africa

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The relevance of historical Jesus research for the theology of the church. The aim of this article is to relect on the implications of historical Jesus research for the theology of the church. It focuses on the relation between the pre-Easter Jesus and the post-Easter kerygmatic tradition. First, it discusses the reason why historical Jesus research is regarded as necessary. Second, a profile of Jesus is described. Third, the article demonstrates the discontinuity and material relation between Jesus' teaching and the theology of the church. It focuses on the kerygma that the death and resurrection of Jesus creates atonement.


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