Original Research

Die selfverstaan van die Samaritane soos dit uit- drukking vind in die feesliturgie צלות מוצד השמיני

J. Beyers, A. P.B. Breytenbach
HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies | Vol 55, No 1 | a1541 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/hts.v55i1.1541 | © 1999 J. Beyers, A. P.B. Breytenbach | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 12 December 1999 | Published: 13 December 1999

About the author(s)

J. Beyers, Departement Ou-Testameniese Wetenskap, Universiteit van Preoria, South Africa
A. P.B. Breytenbach, Departement Ou-Testameniese Wetenskap, Universiteit van Preoria, South Africa

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The self-understanding of the Samaritans, as expressed in the liturgy of the צלות מוצד השמיני festival

This study is concerned with the identity and religion of the Samaritans. The way in which the Samaritans understood their identity is highlighted by their perception of God, by the traditions they adhered to and by the selection of texts from the Pentateuch they used in their liturgy. The beliefs and rituals of the Samarium faith found their way into the Samaritan Liturgy. The study of a part of the Samaritan Liturgy shows that the Samaritans are heirs to the religion of the northern tibes of Israel.


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