Original Research
Kerklike verkondiging in dialekties-teologiese perspektief ('n Teug uit die ou teologiese velsakke)
Submitted: 12 December 1999 | Published: 13 December 1999
About the author(s)
F. J. van Zyl, Departement Godsdiens-en Sendingwetenskap, Fakulteit Teologie (Md A), Universiteit van Pretoria, South AfricaFull Text:
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The message of the church in view of dialectical theology (A sip of theology from the old wine-skins). "This article attempts to ascertain the essence of the message preached by churches whose dogma is influenced by dialectical theology, especially that of Karl Barth. The basic point of departure is that although the theology to which churches subscribe is not actually preached, the content and quality of sermons cannot escape its influence. As dialectical theology is generally regarded and understood as an extension of Reformation theology, it is imperative to integrate both the basic truths of Reformation theology and the innovative trends of dialectic thinking as far as the preaching of the gospel is concerned. In view of the enormous scope of Barthian theology, the author was compelled to limit his article to the essence of the church's message, namely the gospel of reconcilia-tion, according to many scholars the heart of Barth 's theology.
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