Original Research: Historical Thought and Source Interpretation
Rethinking of contemporary Islamic law methodology: Critical study of Muhammad Shahrūr’s thinking on Islamic law sources
Submitted: 22 September 2021 | Published: 16 March 2022
About the author(s)
Arip Purkon, Department of Family Law, Faculty of Sharia and Law, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta, IndonesiaAbstract
This study examined the contemporary ijtihād paradigm, especially in understanding the Islamic law sources, according to Muḥammad Shaḥrūr. This study focused on answering two things, namely Shaḥrūr’s thinking in understanding the sources of contemporary Islamic law and compared it with the opinions of ‘ulamā (Muslim scholars in Islamic law). An explorative method was used to explore the Shaḥrūr’s thinking in understanding the contemporary Islamic law sources, and a comparative method was used to analyse it using ‘ulamā’s methodology. This research study used an Islamic law methodology (uṣūl al-fiqh) approach. This study concluded that the Shaḥrūr’s thinking in understanding the sources of contemporary Islamic law is not comprehensive and less of combination among sources and propositions used by ‘ulamā. Etymology understanding is most dominant in his methodology. In addition, there are some misunderstandings on Islamic law concepts raised by ‘ulamā.
Contribution: This research enriched the study of contemporary Islamic law in responding to challenges of different times. Shaḥrūr offered a new paradigm that in al-Quran, the laws have certain limits and they should not be violated. The sunnah was divided into two parts, the changing and the unchanging. Qiyas is an analogy with the problems that happen now with those that happened in the past. And ijma is an agreement from people who have authority in certain matters.
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Crossref Citations
1. Theological belief towards Islamic spiritual belief: Evidence from South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Ruslan Ruslan, Muhammad A. Burga, Muli U. Noer
HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies vol: 78 issue: 4 year: 2022
doi: 10.4102/hts.v78i4.8009